Mask Tutorial with a gift sauce
Still have doubts about the usefulness of a homemade mask?
Read this article.
We agree, it is NOT a medical device. And of course you have to keep up with the hygiene standards: regular hand washing, distancing yourself, etc. But if you have time for others, they can help so many people and they will repay you in 1000 ways. I am still amazed. If you only have time for yourself and your family, that's great. Let's get to the heart of the matter:
The model?
After having read a lot about the issue, the model doesn't matter, as long as it covers the face well and you can slip in a filter (optional): read the article from Couture et Paillette: it's long, very long... but complete, technical and accessible to the most common person.
The fabric?
That matters! In this regard, I first read the aforementioned article by Couture and Paillette. I also asked an infectious disease physician, public health nurses, etc.
In the end, I opted for 100% polyester: it's the material that seems to be the best barrier to this "Co-co".
Its not very pleasant and comfortable side on the skin does not bother me: I rarely wear it since I rarely go out... Elementary my dear Watson.
If on the other hand, you have to use it all day long, follow the "material" advices of Couture et Paillette (rather cotton or cotton-polyester): they are full of common sense, combined with scientific information validated by the biggest health authorities.
The pattern?
Easier than that, you die. You cut:
- a rectangle of 22 cm x 36 cm
- 2 rubber bands of 13 cm (length to be tested according to the elasticity coefficient of your rubber band) and, incidentally, the size of your ears...
- You don't have an elastic?
- nylons
- old tee-shirt to cut out
- rope,
- fabric cut into strips to tie.
Be inventive!
Where to buy supplies?!
Elastics:- Assabban (the cream of the crop in terms of humanity and generosity)
Leduc (well, for those who already practice, in terms of sympathy capital, we are not at the level of Assabban... but is that really the point...
Both of them deliver at home.
- The best plan...: The Fabric Sales donated 150 yards of 100%polyester. They were stored at my house until recently in my youngest son's room.... He was feeling "slightly" overwhelmed by these 5 bags of Ikea fabric (the blue ones, you know... very big...) Lionel kindly took them home; he gives them away in 5 meter batches:
Lionel Wathelet Rue du Ham, 63, Uccle
Contact only by phone: 0475/375945
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Only: 13:00 until 21:00
Tuesday and Thursday
Only: 18:00 until 21:00
Saturday: to be agreed
Please call before your arrival to pick up the fabrics on the doorstep.
The Fabric Sales: home delivery; if you have time to kill to sew layettes, slips, comforters, tops, dresses or others: they have fabrics from Belgian & French designers to die for... Ultra ultra nice & generous in addition; it does not spoil anything....
- Gotex: they are open
And if not, old sheets, tee-shirts, kitchen towels, it's good! If that's all you have on hand, in my opinion, it's better to "be half protected than not protected at all."
Photo tutorial
Come on, let's start! You'll see, it's easy and you'll quickly get the hang of it...
1. Your rectangle is flat. Fold it in half widthwise and press on the fabric to mark the middle of each side. Place the beginning of a measuring tape from the middle of the fabric you marked by folding it in half; with a chalk or a pencil, draw lines +- 5 mm long at 2 cm from each edge:
4, 9, 10.5 and 13.5 cm. The 4 will go on the 9: it's your first fold; the 10,5 on the 13,5, it's your 2nd fold (see picture 6).
2. Attach the elastic bands in the middle of the fabric 1 cm from the bottom edge. You now have 2 "bear ears", inside out.
3. Fold the fabric in half, with your rubber bands inside.
4. Start sewing a little to the right of the middle of the open part, so that you have an opening to turn your work over. Stitch to the first corner, then continue to the second corner, fabric fold side. Since the elastic is smaller than the length of the fabric, you stop in the middle of this side length to put the second part of your work back flat (the fabric will pucker the fabric, no stress).
5. You turn the (pretty) beast over
6. Place the folds, referring to the chalk lines and holding them with pins. Same for the opening in the middle, at the bottom. For the experienced, you don't need to put the pins in, a little practice and you're done.
7. You pick starting from the fabric fold
8. You turn your work and continue
9. 2 minutes 30 later (for the pros and a little practice), you have your anti-Covid 19 weapon...
In photo 9, I close the middle opening. You can leave it open to put a filter in. It's a bit of a rock and roll system since nothing is overcast, I admit. But there's nothing to stop you from overlocking the fabric on that side before you start stitching.
If you have the time, there are much more finished and pretty patterns. But since I don't have much time, and because we're not in a beauty contest, I opted for a rough finish but it works.
These are from my friend Aude de Wolf, from The Wolf brand: they kill of course!
But then again... We're on a different time frame...
What kind of filter? The answer, still in the article from Couture et Paillette.
Video Tutorial
In progress... I have the rushes... If someone offers to do the editing... I can't follow it anymore :-)
When you put on your mask, don't touch it anymore; otherwise, you risk to contaminate it again (I can feel the tension of the hypochondriacs rising when reading this post... Yes, it does...).
When you want to take it off, wash your hands well before: same logic of non-contamination...; put your mask in a small bag and wash it.
In the washing machine, at 60°, with a little soap. Like me, you don't wash at 60° every day! Here is a witch's secret...:
- Boil your Marmitte in simmering water (min. 60°).
- Throw in some toads... (Oops, sorry, I'm too much in character here... ) I meant to say: COPEAUX of Marseille soap (or any other soap).
- Dip the mask in it and let it simmer for at least 30 minutes.
- Let it dry. Wear it again. And again.
You're ready to kiss a Prince or a Princess. By far...
It's still not clear?! Send me an email (natacha@natachacadonici.com) and I'll send you a vocal tutto with my sweet & tired voice.
Please: don't overwhelm me with 1,000 questions. I don't have much time: entrepreneur, solo mom and mask layer, it keeps me busy. Thank you!
ps: a picture of your masks is always nice: post it on FB #sewfreemasks by tagging me (@natachacadonici) or on Instagram with the same #sewfreemasks or #natachacadonici, always tagging me (@natachacadonici). That way, I'll get a notification with each post. Can't wait to see your masked balls!
Don't you have a sewing machine?
Nor anyone with a machine around?
Are you lost in the middle of nowhere?
And you are a hypochondriac?! (and maybe you are right for once!)
1. Make them out of paper while waiting
Here is a tutto to make your own paper masks (to be thrown away after each use).
I'm not (yet!) a specialist in the matter but my aunt Nella who lives in Milan (in the eye of the storm a little while ago...), has seen a lot of masks tutorials. She recommended the paper we use for the oven.
2. Do you want to "order" some?
A. For the needy on the front line
Post your request on the #seewfreesmasks wall: we volunteer for those on the front lines. Include the following information: for whom? How much (let's be reasonable...)? Where do we work?
The volunteers who have taken over the management of the group will answer you if any seamstresses have stock or availability to sew. Don't hesitate to read the last posts. We all have our noses to the grindstone and not often on our screens to put you in touch, the donors and the applicants... This is the best way to make a good "match". (Which will surely have more chances to succeed than the dating sites... Moreover, by the times which run...)
B. For you
Yes, you have to think about your buttocks too! And by the same token, your neighbors' butts by protecting yourself.
So: you send me an email (natacha@natachacadonici.com) with your request:
- number of masks desired
- Where you live
And I send you the practical information:
- about possible delivery by post or at my place in Uccle,
- about my system of free and conscious donations... And yes, it requires a little word of explanation...
Don't worry, everything will be explained in my mail and we'll see if I can help you or direct you to the right people.
Attention: I am a good fairy but not a magician. I try but I don't guarantee anything. I also have a private and professional life. Let's remain courteous and respectful.
Masked mega kisses and a confined big hug,